Citrus County Youth Career Expo – Virtual

April 29

  • 10:00am-02:00pm
  • Citrus County, FL

This year’s expo will be held virtually and is open to public, private, and home-schooled middle- and high-school students and their parents.

There is no charge to participate.


For more information, call 352-873-7955, ext. 2205 or 800-746-9950, ext. 2205.

This year’s expo will be held virtually and is open to public, private, and home-schooled middle- and high-school students and their parents.

There is no charge to participate.


For more information, call 352-873-7955, ext. 2205 or 800-746-9950, ext. 2205.

More Details
Citrus County Virtual Youth Career Expo