Career Centers Now Open
All career centers are open weekdays for free staff-assisted and Resource Room services. Walk-ins are welcome. Hours and services subject to change.
- In-person services at Career Centers available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Virtual services by phone, email, Live Chat available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Appointments are not required but may be made by phone at 352-732-1700 or 800-434-JOBS or via Live Chat at
Please note: Safety measures remain in place to protect center staff and the public, including frequent and thorough cleaning and sanitizing of work spaces, social distancing and use of face coverings.
Florida Reemployment Assistance News
Work Registration Process
Work registration and job search requirement waivers expired on May 29. This means that all Reemployment Assistance (unemployment compensation) claimants filing for benefit weeks prior to March 15, 2020 and after May 29, 2021 are once again required to start the work registration process by registering with Employ Florida and providing five work search contacts per week or obtain staff-assisted career services with CareerSource CLM.
CareerSource CLM does not administer RA — that is done by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity — but can assist with the registration and job search process.
For all new claims with an effective date on or after January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, the duration of benefits adjusts from the current maximum of 12 to 19 weeks. The maximum weekly benefit amount will remain at $275.
To get started, contact us at 800-434-JOBS (5627) or Click Here to Learn More.
CONNECT System Updates
DEO conducts nightly maintenance to the CONNECT system to process claims and payments. CONNECT’s regularly scheduled hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7:59 p.m.
This schedule does not affect individuals who wish to file a new claim. Individuals can file a new claim 24 hours a day, seven days per week at and select “File a Claim.”
Florida Reemployment Assistance Application
The fastest way to file NEW CLAIMS is by using DEO’s mobile-friendly application portal which can be accessed by mobile phone or desktop:
CareerSource CLM candidate and business virtual services
In addition to in-person services at our career Centers, we continue to offer fee-free virtual services online via our website as well as by phone and email. Customers may request to work with staff directly by calling 800-434-5627 (Candidates) and 800-746-9950 (Businesses).