Media Contact:
Laura Byrnes, APR, CPRC
Communications Manager
Direct: 352.291.9559 | Mobile: 352.816.1264
Media Contact:
Laura Byrnes, APR, CPRC
Communications Manager
Direct: 352.291.9559 | Mobile: 352.816.1264
OCALA, Fla. (June 1, 2021) – CareerSource Citrus Levy Marion is re-introducing in-person employability workshops beginning Wednesday, June 9.
To start, there will be seven different workshops in rotation at the CareerSource CLM career centers in Ocala and Lecanto. For details, visit
There is no charge to attend, but registration is required by calling 800-434-JOBS (5627).
“While it’s not one giant leap for mankind, it is one small step in returning to normalcy,” said Jerry Flanders, CareerSource CLM’s workshop coordinator.
Flanders added that until further notice, Covid-19 safety protocols remain in place at all career centers, including use of face coverings by staff and visitors and social distancing.
“In the short term, that means there will be a smaller number of attendees for each workshop – to allow for social distancing,” he said. “In the past, I was almost always able to accommodate additional individuals when registration was full. My best advice for anyone interested in a particular workshop is to contact us right away and get registered.”
The in-person workshops are offered in addition to live Zoom sessions as well as virtual workshops available on-demand. All workshops are free. Those interested in the live Zoom workshops may register online from the event listing on the calendar. The virtual workshops, along with materials, are available at
“Accessibility should not be a problem,” Flanders said. “Between those workshops offered in person, live via videoconferencing and virtually 24/7, we hope to provide something for everyone interested in sharpening their employability skills and conducting a successful job search.”
Trained career coaches also provide fee-free services to help job seekers leverage what they learn in the workshops.
The following free workshops are available (check the online calendar for details, dates, times, and registration requirements):
In-Person Workshops (typically scheduled each full week of the month)
Computer Essentials
Employ Florida Overview
Interview Strategies that get you noticed
Job Specific Resume Development
The Customer Experience
Today’s Job Campaign (Navigating Today’s Workplace)
Your Digital Footprint
Live via Zoom Workshops (typically scheduled each Monday and Friday)
Job Specific Resume Development
Interview Strategies that get you noticed
Virtual Workshops (available on-demand)
Beyond Barriers and Obstacles to Employment
Employ Florida: so much more than a job board
Interview Strategies that get you notice
Job Specific Resumes
Navigate Today’s Workplace
Your Digital Footprint
For more information, visit or call 800-434-5627.
CareerSource Citrus Levy Marion is a member of CareerSource Florida and a proud partner of the American Job Center network. CareerSource CLM is supported by the U.S. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and other agencies as part of awards totaling $8.7 million (revised annually). CareerSource CLM is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities and in Spanish. All voice telephone numbers listed above may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711. If you need accommodations, please call 800-434-5627, ext. 7878 or e-mail]