Education and Industry Consortium

Consortium Duties:

Review and prioritize skills needed in key industry sectors; analyze existing educational training programs for prioritized skills;  define skills training gaps; and, approve credentials for inclusion on the State’s Master Credentials list.

  • Membership (appointed by CLM Board Chair):
    • College of Central Florida
    • Citrus County School District
    • Levy County School District
    • Marion County School District
    • Private post-secondary institution
    • Up to three representatives from each of the following targeted sectors:
      • Manufacturing
      • Logistics
      • Information Technology
      • Healthcare
      • Construction
      • Agriculture


  • Term of membership is 2 years.
  • Meets Quarterly, issues a report to the CSCLM Board.
      • Meets in CSCLM normal committee cycle.
      • Meetings will be in-person and via Zoom.
  • Chair appointed by CSCLM Board Chair.


Consortium Reports

Agenda 5/29/2024
Minutes 5/29/2024

Agenda 3/21/2024
Minutes 3/21/2024
Presentation 3/21/2024

Committee Members

Education Members

College of Central Florida: Dr. Jennifer Fryns
Rasmussen: Rebecca Johnson
Citrus County School District: David Roland
Levy County School District: Tanya Taylor
Marion County School District: Dr. Ann Hembrook

Business Members

Carrie Blair, Tri-Eagle Sales
Matt Clay, Heart of Florida
Joe Corley, Fidelity Manufacturing
Chris Formisano, Triple C Improvements
Tim Gilbert,  IT Consulting
Rachel Gibbs, Mox Boyd Development
Marci Olinger, Tampa General Hospital (Crystal River)
Bob Rutemiller, Automation Consulting & Education, Inc.
Eric Willis, Caliber Elements